In today’s digital world, having a solid online presence is essential for businesses across all…

Top Clichés of Web design
We build a variety of sites with different web designs for customers in various fields. The result of that is some trends are very much popular and used by maximum people. But as time changes trends should be changed accordingly.
Here are the All-time used web design Clichés
1. Excessive Use of Animation
It’s easy now to make your website look cool and attractive as there are so many web design and animation options. But excessive use of anything will make the website tacky, so it’s necessary to be more specific about the topic you’re making that website. Hence your designer should have deep knowledge and purpose of the particular field.
2. Pop-ups everywhere
There is nothing more hateful than this when we click on a website and the pop-up comes with the subscription to a newsletter or for the Facebook page or anything else. Holds on guys give us a time to read about you first and your work.
Ads and subscription offers are not a bad idea at all but instead of forcing it to the visitors wait for them to be on your page at least 5 minutes.
There are few sites that wait for the visitors until they reach the bottom of the page or until you come to visit them again. This is a good idea which is started but things can be better than this which doesn’t look noisy at all.
3. Splash Pages
Remember when splash pages were a practical website tool? But as we are updated now 2007 era has become old where people use them for the sake of visitors but you already know that they don’t provide the actual content of the website and in fact they usually take a long time to load and provide (almost) no navigation options — except of “entering the site”.
Instead of that create a Home page or landing pages which provide related content for your website. And make each page necessary to your design and marketing strategy.
4. Creative Towards pages
You always want your website to be innovative or creative which is important but a website always has a purpose of something, if you choose to get more creative your visitors won’t be able to understand what you have written.
So here is a solution for it. Get someone who doesn’t know much about your website. Give him the content and ask does he understand it? Does it add any information about the product, services etc.? And if not then you need to think about it.
5. Weather Tickers
Yes, we thought that this has become old now, but we are wrong some companies are still using it on their website. A weather ticker will not add anything special or attractive towards website unless it will make your website look outdated, messy etc.
But seriously if people want to check the weather they will check it on their smartphones, there are so many options now, so just remove it and make your website valuable for the topic only.
A good web design is a key to success for your website and a good development platform like WordPress is the great combination.